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Omega-3 as Nutrient of the Century

Omega-3 fatty acids are a group of polyunsaturated fats that are essential for various functions in the body

They are considered "healthy fats" and have several important roles, including:

Cell Function: 

Omega-3 fatty acids help all the cells in your body function properly. They are a vital part of cell membranes, providing structure and supporting interactions between cells

Brain and Eye Health: 

Omega-3s are concentrated in high levels in cells in the brain and eyes. They play a crucial role in brain development and function, as well as maintaining good vision

Heart Health: 

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to support heart health by helping to lower triglyceride levels, reducing inflammation, and improving blood vessel function

Energy Source: 

Omega-3s provide your body with energy (calories) and support the health of many body systems, including the cardiovascular and endocrine systems

There are three main types of omega-3 fatty acids:

ALA (alpha-linolenic acid): Found in plant sources such as flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts

EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid): Found in fish

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid): Also found in fish.

Dietry sources:

You can get omega-3 fatty acids by consuming a variety of foods, including fish and other seafood, nuts and seeds, and plant oils. Omega-3 dietary supplements, such as fish oil, krill oil, and algal oil, are also available

It is recommended to include seafood in your diet for health benefits, but the benefits of omega-3 supplements are uncertain. If you are considering omega-3 supplements, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider


Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that play important roles in the body, including cell function, brain and eye health, and heart health. They can be obtained from various food sources or through dietary supplements.