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What is the NTISS scoring system for neonatal therapeutic intervention?



The Neonatal Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (NTISS) is a tool used to evaluate the severity of illness for neonatal therapeutic intervention. The NTISS was created by modifying the Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (TISS). Like TISS, NTISS assigns score points from 1 to 4 for various intensive care therapies.

Total Score:

Care Plan:

Developed by MA Apps. Zone.

The Neonatal Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (NTISS) is used to indicate disease severity for neonates who need intensive care. If the NTISS score goes high, the following steps can be taken

Consult with a neonatologist: 
A neonatologist is a specialist in the care of newborn infants, particularly those who are premature or have medical complications. They can provide guidance on the appropriate course of action based on the 

NTISS score. Monitor the infant closely: 
If the NTISS score is high, it may indicate that the infant's condition is worsening. Close monitoring can help detect any changes in the infant's condition and allow for prompt intervention. 

Adjust treatment as needed: 
The NTISS score is based on the treatments received by the infant, so adjusting treatment can help lower the score. For example, if the infant is receiving a high level of respiratory support, reducing the level of support may lower the NTISS score. 

Consider transferring the infant to a higher level of care: 
If the infant's condition is deteriorating despite treatment adjustments, transferring to a higher level of care may be necessary. This can provide access to more specialized care and resources. 

It is important to note that the NTISS score is just one tool used to assess disease severity in neonates, and clinical judgment should always be used in conjunction with any scoring system.